The Yorkshire Speakers Directory
The Yorkshire Speakers Directory is an online resource for locating Public Speakers in the Yorkshire Region. The site caters for recreational public speakers, such as talks to local history groups. If you wish to have a FREE listing add your entry, start by clicking on the button below, titled "Free Listing Application".
Latest Information
[Updated November 2024]
Due to increasing hosting costs, I am now implementing voluntary contributions, via "Buy me a Coffee". I don't want to go the whole hog and run the site as subscription only, as that would probably not be popular amongst the numerous volunteer speakers who do no charge anything for their efforts. However enquirers might find it acceptable, especially those who use the site regularly to poll multiple speakers.
Donations for the Continued Existence of the Site
Forgive me for pointing out that my ability to provide this website is partially dependent on any kind voluntary contributions I receive. For this purpose you can buy me a coffee by clicking on the button below if you wish! Your support is very welcome.
Brian Hull
Older Information
[Updated November 2020]
The Yorkshire Speakers Directory website has been running from its original home for over a decade now, and like all modern techie based facilities the time has come when the hardware is no longer up to the job. Therefore the site has been moved to a new server which has enabled the operation of a secure socket layer (SSL), which means that the data is encrypted between the host and your browser, this can be identified by a padlock icon (usually), in the browser. Also the web address begins with "https" which identifies the secure level of operation. It also follows that other features can be added which were not available in the earlier version. Unfortunately a few glitches in the change over resulted in the non-display of the site during the last 24 hours (10-11 November 2020), however all is functioning correctly now.
[Updated May 2020]
The first talk using Zoom was undertaken last night and went very well, if you feel your group could do one get in touch with the speakers who offer this method, always assuming the talks are to your liking! Due to the covid19 crisis, speaker engagements have been suspended, although technology has a solution, utilizing virtual talks, such as Zoom or other video conferencing technology. Use the dynamic search to discover speakers who offer this type of talk.
[Updated October 22nd 2019]
There have been 334 enquiries generated for speakers in 2019 so far, I could say who has been the most popular speaker enquiry, but that would be unfair!
[Added February 2019]
Malcolm Brooke, signed up to the Yorkshire Speakers Directory in October 2015, here is an observation from him following recent praise of his talks from a group in Collingham; "In the early days of giving presentations I relied on 'word of mouth' to bring in new bookings. This did happen, to a limited extent, but The Yorkshire Speakers Directory has 'spread the word' to a much wider audience. I am now taking bookings for November 2020!"
Why not get your talk to a wider audience with a free entry in the directory?
A new section for mobile users is now live here, the page should load automatically if you use a mobile device to connect.
[Added August 2nd 2018]
A dynamic search has been added to the site, which allows you to search within the speakers; by Speaker, by Topic, by Location and by Talk Area. See button above!
The site continues to gain new speakers, ten have signed up between January and April, although some have retired, and one or two expired! To improve the listings I have introduced the ability to show a photo which pertains to the topic on offer, an improvement I think over the text only information.
To search for new speakers simply click on the button "Newest Speakers" which will give you a list of all speakers who have signed up this year.
A New Publication about Running a Small Group [ May 2018 ]
We are pleased to announce a new small publication which is designed to assist those thinking of running a small group, such as a history society or similar. The book also covers what to consider if you are thinking of becoming a speaker! Priced at only £7.99 plus £1.50 p&p it is well worth the investment. The book is an easy read and covers many aspects which are easily overlooked when running a group activity. Robert Soper the author is also an accomplished speaker himself and is the speaker finder for a Collingham based group, so he has been at the sharp end in every sense! To order the book simply visit the online book seller Lulu: Running a Small Group by Robert Soper

A recent sign up is the Yorkshire Air Ambulance Service, a charity which can get to people in some of the most difficult locations, search for them under Charities. I was reminded of the service which came to rescue an injured rider who had been dismounted whilst riding along Parlington Lane on the Parlington Estate at the rear of the Dark Arch, back in 2005 I think it was. Proof that the service provides vital assistance in in-accessible locations, of which Yorkshire has many! The talks will no doubt offer a good insight into the day today workings of this emergency service, which is provided free of charge.
We've had a few new speakers sign up this autumn, recently a lady, Glennis Whyte who gives talks on the Treasurer's House, York, a delightful National Trust residence, literally next door to the Minster. Mr Frank Green, son of a wealthy industrialist and the last owner, bequethed the house to the trust. He was a fascinating, if unusual character, with some odd habits! For example there are marks in the floors where furniture, such as a chair stood and woe betide any one moving it to clean without returning it to the exact spot, slightly manic I think.

Treasurer's House, York
Our first speaker from East Yorkshire has signed up, so if you are a public speaker from that area, please get in touch, as we would like to increase the scope of our speakers and include a new section for East Yorks... if only they hadn't messed with the Ridings, but that 's another story!
There are now over two hundred speakers, the largest concentration of these being in the West Yorkshire area. Until the quantity of entries is greater, searching within an area may prove unsuccessful; therefore we recommend using the 'Search All' section, as many speakers are happy to give talks in all three regions.
A number of changes have been made recently. Firstly the site no longer has any connection with the printed versions of the Yorkshire Speakers Directory. This change has been brought about by the conflict between entries being free on the site, whereas the printed versions carry a small edition charge. Secondly it has not been possible to reconcile some of the conflicts where speakers have retired or ceased for some other reason and the information has not been made available to the web entries! So some people have complained. Third, the printed version now only covers North and West Yorkshire.
Therefore all entries are now web based with emails as provided by the speaker who is listed.
If you are a speaker and would like an entry, please complete the form in the contact section: click here to go there.
The raison dêtre for this site is to give readers an opportunity to find speakers presenting a diverse range of topics across the Yorkshire Region. Whatever topic you're interested in, whether local or national, you will find plenty of interest amongst this collection.
Each of the Speakers can be found by searching on one of a number options, Topic, Location or Availability, as well as the alphabetic search.
GDPR data privacy
The Yorkshire Speakers Directory website does not collect anonymous data via cookies etc. The names of speakers on the site are all given by the speakers themselves, for the purpose of interesting prospective groups who require a public speaker. Enquiries by organisations seeking a speaker are passed through to the speaker in question. Their information is provided freely and is not used for any other purpose than making contact with a speaker they wish to engage. However the site does offer adverts via Google, and therefore new rules require your consent see the Privacy and cookie settings below.